Entrepreneur Pietro Miele tells us about his collaboration with Tecnostrutture and the use of NPS structures for the Parco del Gari worksite.

This article compares the views of Tecnostrutture, through the word of site manager Eng. Laura Ferrigo, and Pietro Miele, CEO of the Miele Group, a company that operates in the construction industry and supported Tecnostrutture in the realization of the Parco del Gari project, Cassino (FR).
This interview wants to describe how to create a synergy between teams to meet the schedule and complete a construction site quickly, safely and efficiently, while respecting the environmental and historical context.


General site information:
1. Worksite name: Parco del Gari - 2nd Building
2. Intended use: Residential/commercial use
3. Start and expected end date: 15/05/2021 - 31/12/2022
4. Tecnostrutture supply start and end date: 22/07/2021 - 20/12/2021
5. Client: San Marco Immobiliare S.R.L., via San Marco 4 - Cassino (FR)
6. Contractor: Domus Commerciale S.R.L, via San Marco 4 - Cassino (FR)
7. Architectural designer: Sur. Gianluca Fucile, Sur. Marco Pirone, Sur. Luca Miele
8. Structural designer: Eng. Rocco Violi, Eng. Enrico Lazzarini of Tecnostrutture
9. Architectural Works Management: Geom. Gianluca Fucile, Geom. Marco Pirone, Geom. Luca Miele
10. Structural Works Management: Eng. Rocco Violi 
11. Building size: 13,724 square metres on 7 floors

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